Thursday, February 2, 2012

you want more...?

You shod thnk of life as a game
You have to choose btn easy, normal and difficult
You get to a point in your life where all that you normally do is just not enough and you want more
Sometimes you wish you did more with your life but you just don't know where to start
But remember that once you have that dream and ambition there's always hope
People will be around trying to stop you and distract you with all sort of claims and drama but...
It's worse living with the regret of never trying than living with the thought that you tried and did not succeed.
As humans we sometimes tend to rely on others to push us and make the way for us...if you continue to do that, you will live your boring life always yearning for more
But don't get it twisted, somethings don't come as easy as people show it to be...

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