Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The forces around us are stronger than u think
The energy around them can create electricity for the entire world
They mean business
Weakness are what they pry on
Strength in the Lord is what they try to break

Be careful of those you call 'friends'
They feed on happiness
They thirst on wealth
Their happiness is your downfall
Not all those smiles are sincere

They say the best way to know who your real friends are is when they stick around during the bad times
But it's a lie
Most may pretend to be there but long for the reward

Your possessions are what they use to stand strong
But what do u have to fight them?

Not every war is fought with guns, bombs and stones
But every war can be conquered with the word 'Jesus'

As kids we always sang, ' prayer is the key'
but we never really knew what it meant
As kids we were always told, 'you would understand when you grow older'
I'm older now but I still don't understand

Why people do things to others
Why people are soo desperate to be like the other
Why people will do anything to acquire wealth
Why they will lie and destroy and eventually get something that will make them miserable their entire life

'God doesn’t remove all of our imperfections,
but He makes us beautiful by shining through them.'